Developping new algorithms

Writing a new integrator

To create a new integrator, you have to subtype the BaseIntegrator type, and provide the call method, with the following signature: call(::BaseIntegrator, ::MolecularDynamic).

The integrator is responsible for calling the get_forces!(::MolecularDynamic) function if it need the MolecularDynamic.forces field to be updated. It should update the two Array3D: MolecularDynamic.frame.positions and MolecularDynamic.frame.velocities with appropriate values.

The MolecularDynamic.masses field is a Vector{Float64} containing the particles masses, in the same order than in the current simulation frame. Any other required information should be stored in the new BaseIntegrator subtype.

Computing the forces

Naive force computation

The NaiveForceComputer algorithm computes the forces by iterating over all the pairs of atoms, and calling the appropriate interaction potential. This algorithm is the default in Jumos.

New algorithm for forces computations

To create a new force computation algorithm, you have to subtype BaseForcesComputer, and provide the method call(::BaseForcesComputer, forces::Array3D, frame::Frame, interactions).

This method should fill the forces array with the forces acting on each particles: forces[i] should be the 3D vector of forces acting on the atom i. In order to do this, the algorithm can use the frame.posistions and frame.velocities. interactions is a dictionary associating tuples of integers (the atoms types) to potential. The get_potential function can be useful to get a the potential function acting on two particles.

get_potential(interactions, topology, i, j)

Returns the potential between the atom i and the atom j in the topology.

Due to the internal unit system, forces returned by the potentials are in \(kJ/(mol \cdot A)\), and should be in \(uma \cdot A / fs^2\) for being used with the newton equations. The conversion can be handled by the unexported Simulations.force_array_to_internal! function, converting the values of an Array3D from \(kJ/(mol \cdot A)\) to \(uma \cdot A / fs^2\).

Adding a new check

Adding a new check algorithm is as simple as subtyping BaseCheck and extending the call(::BaseCheck, ::MolecularDynamic) method. This method should throw an exception of type CheckError if the checked condition is not fullfiled.

type CheckError

Customs exception providing a specific error message for simulation checking.

julia> throw(CheckError("This is a message"))
ERROR: Error in simulation :
This is a message
in __text at no file (repeats 3 times)

Adding new controls

To add a new type of control to a simulation, the main way is to subtype BaseControl, and provide two specialised methods: call(::BaseControl, ::MolecularDynamic) and the optional setup(::BaseControl, ::MolecularDynamic). The call method should contain the algorithm inplementation, and the setup method is called once at each simulation start. It should be used to add add some computation algorithm to the simulation.

Computing values

To add a new compute algorithm (MyCompute), we have to subtype BaseCompute and provide specialised implementation for the call function; with the following signature:

call(::MyCompute, ::MolecularDynamic)

This function can set a entry with any kind of key to store the computed value.

Outputing values

An other way to create a custom output is to subtype BaseOutput. The subtyped type must have two integer fields: current and frequency, and the constructor should initialize current to 0. The write function should also be overloaded for the signature write(::BaseOutput, ::Dict). The dictionairy parameter contains all the values set up by the computation algorithms, and a special key :frame refering to the current simulation frame.

BaseOutput subtypes can also define a setup(::BaseOutput, ::MolecularDynamic) function to do some setup job, like adding the needed computations to the simulation.

As an example, let’s build a custom output writing the x position of the first atom of the simulation at each step. This position will be taken from the frame, so no specific computation algorithm is needed here. But this position will be writen in bohr, so some conversion from Angstroms will be needed.

# File FirstX.jl

using Jumos

import Base.write
import Jumos.setup

type FirstX <: BaseOutput

# Default values constructor
function FirstX(filename, frequency=1)
    file = open(filename, "w")
    return FirstX(file, 0, frequency)

function write(out::FirstX, context::Dict)
    frame = context[:frame]
    x = frame.positions[1][1]
    x = x/0.529 # Converting to bohr
    write(out.file, "$x \n")

# Not needed here
# function setup(::FirstX, ::MolecularDynamic)

This type can be used like this:

using Jumos

sim = MolecularDynamic(1.0)
# ...

add_output(sim, FirstX("The-first-x-file.dat"))