
In order to compute the energy or the forces acting on a particle, two informations are needed : a potential energy function, and a computation algorithm. The potential function is a description of the variations of the potential with the particles positions, and a potential computation is a way to compute the values of this potential function. The following image shows the all the potentials functions currently implemented in Jumos.

Potential functions type hierarchy

We can see these potentials are classified as four main categories: pair potentials, bond potentials, angles potentials (between 3 atoms) and dihedral potentials (between 4 atoms).

The only implemented pair potentials are short-range potentials. Short-range pair potentials go to zero faster than the \(1/r^3\) function, and long-range pair potentials go to zero at the same speed or more slowly than \(1/r^3\). A typical example of long-range pair potential is the Coulomb potential between charged particles.

Potential functions

Short-range pair potential

Short-range pair potential are subtypes of PairPotential. They only depends on the distance between the two particles they are acting on. They should have two main properties:

  • They should go to zero when the distance goes to infinity;
  • They should go to zero faster than the \(1/r^3\) function.

Lennard-Jones potential

A Lennard-Jones potential is defined by the following expression:

\[V(r) = 4\epsilon \left( \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^{12} - \left( \frac{\sigma}{r} \right)^6 \right)\]
LennardJones(epsilon, sigma)

Creates a Lennard-Jones potential with \(\sigma = \text{sigma}\), and \(\epsilon = \text{epsilon}\). sigma should be in angstroms, and epsilon in \(kJ/mol\).

Typical values for Argon are: \(\sigma = 3.35\ A, \epsilon = 0.96\ kJ/mol\)

Null potential

This potential is a potential equal to zero everywhere. It can be used to define “interactions” between non interacting particles.


Creates a null potential instance.

Bonded potential

Bonded potentials acts between two particles, but does no go to zero with an infinite distance. A contrario, they goes to infinity as the two particles goes apart of the equilibirum distance.


An harmonic potential have the following expression:

\[V(r) = \frac12 k (\vec r - \vec r_0)^2 - D_0\]

\(D_0\) is the depth of the potential well.

Harmonic(k, r0, depth=0.0)

Creates an harmonic potential with a spring constant of k (in \(kJ.mol^{-1}.A^{-2}\)), an equilibrium distance \(r_0\) (in angstroms); and a well’s depth of \(D_0\) (in \(kJ/mol\)).

Adding interactions to a simulation

Before runnning a simulation, we should define interactions between all the pairs of atomic types. The add_interaction function should be used for that.

add_interaction(sim, potential, atoms[, computation=:auto, kwargs...])

Adds an interaction between the atoms in the simulation sim. The energy and the forces for this interaction will be computed using the potential function potential.

atoms can be a string, an integer, or a tuple of strings and integers. The strings should be the atomic names, and the integers the atomic type in the simulation’s topology. For example, if a simulation has the three following atomic types: ["C", "H", "O"] with respective index 1, 2 and 3; then the atomic pair ("H", "O") can be accessed with either (2, 3), (2, "O"), ("H", 3) or ("H", "O").

The keyword argument computation deternines which computation is used for the given potential function. The default is to use CutoffComputation with short-range pair potentials, and DirectComputation with the other ones.

All the other keyword arguments will be used to create the potential computation algorithm.

Defining a new potential

User potential

The easier way to define a new potential is to create UserPotential instances, providing potential and force functions. To add a potential, for example an harmonic potential, we have to define two functions, a potential function and a force function. These functions should take a Float64 value (the distance) and return a Float64 (the value of the potential or the force at this distance).

UserPotential(potential, force)

Creates an UserPotential instance, using the potential and force functions.

potential and force should take a Float64 parameter and return a Float64 value.


Creates an UserPotential instance by automatically computing the force function using a finite difference method, as provided by the Calculus package.

Here is an example of the user potential usage:

# potential function
f(x) = 6*(x-3.)^2 - .5
# force function
g(x) = -12.*x + 36.

# Create a potential instance
my_harmonic_potential = UserPotential(f, g)

# One can also create a potential whithout providing a funtion for the force,
# at the cost of a less effective computation.
my_harmonic_2 = UserPotential(f)

force(my_harmonic_2, 3.3) == force(my_harmonic_potential, 3.3)
# false

isapprox(force(my_harmonic_2, 3.3), force(my_harmonic_potential, 3.3))
# true

Subtyping PotentialFunction

A more efficient way to use custom potential is to subtype the either PairPotential, BondedPotential, AnglePotential or DihedralPotential, according to the new potential from.

For example, we are goning to define a Lennard-Jones potential using an other function:

\[V(r) = \frac{A}{r^{12}} - \frac{B}{r^{6}}\]

This is obviously a PairPotential, so we are going to subtype this potential function.

To define a new potential, two functions are needed: call and force. It is necessary to import these two functions in the current scope before extending them. Potentials should be declared as immutable, to allow some optimisations in the computations.

# import the functions to extend
import Base: call
import Jumos: force

immutable LennardJones2 <: PairPotential

# potential function
function call(pot::LennardJones2, r::Real)
    return pot.A/(r^12) - pot.B/(r^6)

# force function
function force(pot::LennardJones2, r::Real)
    return 12 * pot.A/(r^13) - 6 * pot.B/(r^7)

The above example can the be used like this:

sim = MolecularDynamic(1.0)

add_interaction(sim, LennardJones2(4.5, 5.3), ("He", "He"))

pot = LennardJones2(4.5, 5.3)

pot(3.3) # value of the potential at r=3.3
force(pot, 3.3) # value of the force at r=3.3

Potential computation

As stated at the begiging of this potentials section, we need two informations to compute interactions between particles: a potential function, and a potential computation. The potential compuatation algorithms come in four flavors:

Potential computation algorithm hierarchy
  • The DirectComputation is only a small wrapper on the top of the potential functions, and directly calls the potential function methods for energy and force evaluations.
  • The CutoffComputation is used for short range potentials. All interactions at a longer distance than the cutoff distance are set to zero. The default cutoff is \(12\ A\), and this can be changed by passing a cutoff keyword argument to the add_interaction function. With this computation, the energy is shifted so that their is a continuity in the energy at the cutoff distance.
  • The TableComputation use table lookup to extrapolate the potential energy and the forces at a given point. This saves computation time at the cost of accuracy. This algorithm is parametrized by an integer, the size of the undelying array. Increases in this size will result in more accuracy, at the cost of more memory usage. The default size is 2000 points — which corresponds to roughly 15kb. TableComputation has also a maximum distance for computations, rmax. For any bigger distances, the TableComputation will returns a null energy and null forces. So TableComputation can only be used if you are sure that the particles will never be at a greater distance than rmax.
  • The LongRangeComputation is not implemented yet.

Which computation for which potential ?

Not all computation algorithms are suitable for all potential functions. The usable associations are in the table below.

Function DirectComputation CutoffComputation TableComputation
ShortRangePotential Yes Yes Yes
BondedPotential Yes No Yes
AnglePotential Yes No Yes
DihedralPotential Yes No Yes

Using non-default computation

By default, the computation algorithm is automatically determined by the potential function type. ShortRangePotential are computed with CutoffComputation, and all other potentials are computed by DirectComputation. If we want to use another computation algorithm, this can be done by providing a computation keyword to the add_interaction function. The following values are allowed:

  • :direct to use a DirectComputation;
  • :cutoff to use a CutoffComputation. The cutoff can be specified with the cutoff keyword argument;
  • :table` to use a TableComputation. The table size can be specified with the numpoints keyword argument, and the maximum distance with the rmax keyword argument.

Here is an example of how we can use these keywords.

sim = MolecularDynamic(1.0) # Creating a simulation

# ...

# Use default computation, i.e. CutoffComputation with 12A cutoff.
add_interaction(sim, LennardJones(0.4, 3.3))

# Use another cutoff distance
add_interaction(sim, LennardJones(0.4, 3.3), cutoff=7.5)

# Use direct computation
add_interaction(sim, LennardJones(0.4, 3.3), computation=:direct)

# Use table computation with 3000 points, and a maximum distance of 10A
add_interaction(sim, LennardJones(0.4, 3.3),
                computation=:table, numpoints=3000, rmax=10.0)