
The Universe module defines base data types used in the other modules.


3-dimensionals vectors are very common in molecular simulations. The Array3D type implements arrays of this kind of vectors, provinding all the usual operations between its components.

If A is an Array3D and i an integer, A[i] is a 3-dimensional vector implementing +, - between vector, .+, .-, .*, */ between vectors and scalars; dot and cross products, and the unit! function, normalizing its argument.

Simulation Cell

A simulation cell (UnitCell type) is the virtual container in which all the particles of a simulation move. There are three different types of simulation cells :

  • Infinite cells (InfiniteCell) do not have any boundaries. Any move is allowed inside these cells;
  • Orthorombic cells (OrthorombicCell) have up to three independent lenghts; all the angles of the cell are set to 90° (\(\pi/2\) radians)
  • Triclinic cells (TriclinicCell) have 6 independent parameters: 3 lenghts and 3 angles.

Creating simulation cell

UnitCell(Lx[, Ly, Lz, alpha, beta, gamma, celltype])

Creates an unit cell. If no celltype parameter is given, this function tries to guess the cell type using the following behavior: if all the angles are equals to \(\pi/2\), then the cell is an OrthorombicCell; else, it is a TriclinicCell.

If no value is given for alpha, beta, gamma, they are set to \(\pi/2\). If no value is given for Ly, Lz, they are set to be equal to Lx. This creates a cubic cell. If no value is given for Lx, a cell with lenghts of \(0 A\) and \(\pi/2\) angles is constructed.

julia> UnitCell() # Without parameters
    Lenghts: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

julia> UnitCell(10.) # With one lenght
    Lenghts: 10.0, 10.0, 10.0

julia> UnitCell(10., 12, 15) # With three lenghts
    Lenghts: 10.0, 12.0, 15.0

julia> UnitCell(10, 10, 10, pi/2, pi/3, pi/5) # With lenghts and angles
    Lenghts: 10.0, 10.0, 10.0
    Angles: 1.5707963267948966, 1.0471975511965976, 0.6283185307179586

julia> UnitCell(InfiniteCell) # With type

julia> UnitCell(10., 12, 15, TriclinicCell) # with lenghts and type
    Lenghts: 10.0, 12.0, 15.0
    Angles: 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966
UnitCell(u::Vector[, v::Vector, celltype])

If the size matches, this function expands the vectors and returns the corresponding cell.

julia> u = [10, 20, 30]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> UnitCell(u)
    Lenghts: 10.0, 20.0, 30.0

Indexing simulation cell

You can access the cell size and angles either directly, or by integer indexing.

getindex(b::UnitCell, i::Int)

Calling b[i] will return the corresponding length or angle : for i in [1:3], you get the ith lenght, and for i in [4:6], you get [avoid get] the angles.

In case of intense use of such indexing, direct field access should be more efficient. The internal fields of a cell are : the three lenghts x, y, z, and the three angles alpha, beta, gamma.

Boundary conditions and cells

Only fully periodic boundary conditions are implemented for now. This means that if a particle crosses the boundary at some step, it will be wrapped up and will appear at the opposite boundary.

Distances and cells

The distance between two particles depends on the cell type. In all cases, the minimal image convention is used: the distance between two particles is the minimal distance between all the images of theses particles. This is explicited in the Periodic boundary conditions and distances computations part of this documentation.


A Frame object holds the data from one step of a simulation. It is defined as

type Frame

i.e. it contains information about the current step, the current cell shape, the current topology, the current positions, and possibly the current velocities. If there is no velocity information, the velocities Array3D is a 0-sized array.

Creating frames

There are two ways to create frames: either explicitly or implicity. Explicit creation uses one of the constructors below. Implicit creation occurs while reading frames from a stored trajectory or from running a simulation.

The Frame type have the following constructors:


Creates a frame given a topology. The arrays are pre-allocated to store data according to the topology.


Creates an empty frame, with a 0-atoms topology.

Reading and writing frames from files

The main goal of the Trajectories module is to read or write frames from or to files. See this module documentation for more information.